Had a relaxed nice weekends in Vienna – nice to be back in the city where I spent a certain amount of time as an exchange student. Although 2 months out of 4 months I spent time outside Vienna for traveling, Vienna is definitely one of my favorite city in the world.
Not the nicest day to be, but my favorite view in Vienna (Kahlemberg) 全然見えねぇ
The weather was not very friendly (but was not raining at least), and actually freezing. For some reasons I thought Europe is going to be warmer than Japan so brought T-shirts / shorts but they are unlikely to be adding value on this trip..
Schnitzel! でけえ
Lukas&Anna – who are one of the nicest persons in the world & #thebestcoupleever – kindly hosted us in Vienna. Good exercise (cycling), drinking (Bier), and a lot of eating (Schnitzel!). I do believe there’s a correlation between the time spent together with a person(s) and the depth of the friendship but it’s not the absolute “hirei”. Friends living far especially in foreign countries may be difficult to seen often, but when you see, the setting, food, conversation, or atmosphere could make the time memorable and special. Also when you start working, even seeing your close friends living near may become more difficult, so recently I feel I started more focusing on how to make a given time (even if it’s just an hour breakfast) even better. This may include picking up suitable restaurant (does not necessarily mean fancy), occasion, music or simply focusing on the moment.
今回は自分の中でベストカップル・オブ・ザ・イヤーをここ3年連続で受賞してるナイスガイ ルーカスとプリティウーマン アナの宅にお邪魔させてもらいました。前回2年前に出会った時は向こうはまだ学生、こちらはグローバルニートでしたが今やコンサルx3。某M社と某A社で働く彼らと仕事の話もし、とは言いつつ大半はvacationの話。オーストリアは政府の取り決めで年間5週間は有休が与えられるらしく、彼らも去年3週間キューバに行ってたとのこと。日本は世界の中で見ても年間17日と、祝日がかなり多い国(祝日数は世界top 5)。今年からは「山の日」も加わり(oh yeah)、有休+祝日の数を比較すると正直あまりオーストリアとも変わりません。ただ、基本的に彼らは消化率100%であり、仕事にはよれど簡単に3週間等まとまってとれるのは良いなと思う。日本だとそれは無理という思い込み強いけど、なんかとりまokとしちゃえばそれはそれで回るような気もする。欧州の人のvacationへのpassionは、すごく好き
Renovated Wirtschaft Universitat これ図書館ウホッ。キャンパスで大学選ぶならWUかPrinceton
One thing I really like when I am traveling overseas (especially Europe /US) is how casual the staffs in the restaurant are. One time when we were asking for the bill, “Konnen wir zahlen?”(Can we pay) and the waitor was like “Ja Ich hoffe so”(I hope so); or something like; “Do you need anything?” “No we are fine” “Great to hear – that lessens my works”. Japanese services are really polite and I do like it, but these things would never happen in Japan – to be very circastic, I sometimes feel that their behavior is sort of “programmed’ in very polite way and does not really represent each person’s personality (I.e., small talks or jokes). Well in many service industries such as hotel what the customers want may be simply the job to be done (I.e., check-in, carry bags to the room, give them instruction about the city) in a polity way so I’m sure those services are meeting the need, yet, I sometimes feel it would be nice to see some rooms of “play” for each staff, or 10 seconds of small talks
Zacher Torte from Demel
Vienna is obviously know as its traditional buildings and streets, but interestingly it seems to be open to new entrepreneurial movement as well – one example is an outsourced restaurant delivery service (forgot the name..). You can order food from various restaurants, not just from ones that have delivery capability and then the contracted (bike) riders would get you the meals. From user perspective, it seems that you don’t have to add much margins and the company is having margin from restaurants, which is still fine for restaurants as those are additional demands that does not take any physical spaces / services except the meal itself. I quite like this idea, similar to AirBnB or Uber, that allows you to get resources from somewhere that have excessive resources with leveraging technologies (device, Internet, etc.)… Also the company does not have to carry any inventories
何かで読んだけどオーストリアは意外とスタートアップがアツイみたい。上記のチャリのレストラン飯宅配サービスなんかは六本木界隈ですごい需要ありそう。カーシェアも日本と違って街中どこでもdropできて便利。留学の時はinternational business専攻してたけど、も少しオーストリアの企業とか見てみても面白かったのかなと思う。あんま関係ないけどレッドブルはオーストリア出身
Hammocks along the Donau 夏良さげ
This 2 weeks Europe holiday is a typical “Japanese” trip – staying in a country for 2-3 days, taking pictures and then move on. I wish I could stay longer in one country or city, but with the shorter amount of time you can allocate on traveling while working, I think this is a type of trip that fits to my lifestyle. I feel that you can (or maybe inevitably you would) stay longer in one country/city when you get older, now is the time for me to explore the places as much I can, and come back later to some of the favorite places later in your life. That’s it for the very first attempt to write my travel diary in English – next stop is Ireland!🇮🇪